Saturday, February 1, 2014

Easy Maxi Skirt Pattern

I don't know about the rest of you but I love skirts, you can just throw them on and go. Since spring is not that far away (hopefully), I went and looked in my closet only to see that it's time for new skirts. So I whipped out my sewing machine and thumbed through my fabric stash and put together a pretty skirt that's perfect for spring. Since I know I'm not the only one who loves maxi skirts and since it was so simple to put together that I thought it was perfect to share.

 All you need is:
Fabric (yardage depends on waist measurements)
3/4 inch wide elastic
matching thread 

To find out the amount of fabric you need, measure your waist line and double it (if you measured 35 inches double it and get 70 inches). For the the length, figure out how long you want it to hang and add 2 inches (if you want it to be 28 inches measure and cut it to 30 inches). With these measurements you will have a large rectangle.

Fold the fabric in half, width ways, with the right sides together.  Before I sew the raw edges together, to prevent frying, I do what I call a rolled seam. I fold the raw edges a 1/4 inch in and then fold a second time 1/4 inch, pin, press, and stitch. This way the raw edges are tucked in and will prevent frying.

Stitch both sides together to form a side seam and press open. Pressing the seam open will help the fabric to lay flat against the body.

 For the hem I follow the same procedure that I used for the rolled seam.  I fold the raw edges a 1/4 inch in and then fold a second time 1/4 inch, pin,  press, and stitch. (like what is shown in the first photo)

For the waistband fold over 1 and 1/4 inches, tucking the 1/4 inch under (this will help to prevent frying), pin, press and stitch closed leaving a 2 to 3 inch opening so you can thread in your elastic.

For the elastic, take the measurement where you want the skirt to sit and minus 1/2 to 1 inch (depending on how snug you want it, but remember elastic is very stretchy). To thread the elastic I take yarn, knot on the one end and stitch onto the elastic. The other end of the yarn I thread it into the eye of a tapestry needle and tie it into a knot to prevent the yarn from slipping out of the needle. Thread the elastic through the opening of the waistband of the skirt, keep threading, bunching up the fabric as you go. Make sure you don't loose the one end of the elastic into the fabric when threading, if you want you can safety pin the elastic to the opening of the waistband. Once you fully thread the elastic through, stitch the two ends of elastic together. Before you stitch the elastic, make sure it's not twisted. Stitch the opening to the waistband closed.

There you now have a maxi skirt

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