Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Homemade Fabric Softener

We're all are trying to cost when it comes to household budgets, which is understandable. One of those things you're trying to cut is your grocery bill. But when you walk into your laundry aisle you'll notice all those high prices for laundry detergent and fabric softeners, then there's the cheap stuff that are basically water more then anything, which you'll wind using double the amount to get the effect you want and in the end cost you more money, which you're trying to avoid.

My favorite budget cutting trick is making things homemade. About  a little over a month ago I wrote a post about Homemade liquid laundry detergent, which works terrifically. Since it worked great, I planned to make up my homemade fabric softener, which I would like to share with you today.

You're going to need:

6 cups of water
3 cups of vinegar 
1 (22oz) bottle of Hair conditioner (cheap one like Suave or VO5)

This is really simple there's no way you can mess this up. Just place all the ingredients in a large bowl, using a wisk to mix it -OR- place all ingredients in a large container and shake.

I told you it was simple...just store in a container. This is not concentrated, you'll need 3/4 cups per load. It equals out to about a penny or less per load 

You can use this mixed in with my Homemade laundry detergent
Thanks for stopping by, Become a Fan and follow My blog for more fun ideas~ Thank you, Carleen

 Follow Carleen's Crafty Kitchen on Pinterest


  1. Consecrated? Do you mean "concentrated"?

    1. OMG..I never caught my mistake, while spell checking I must have clicked on the wrong word to correct my mistake, I'm very grateful that you caught it. Thank you
