Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Homemade Play dough

Last thing I need is kids complaining on Rainy days that they're bored. So today we made homemade Play dough. There's a few recipes out there floating around, and I tried 2 basic recipes. I find the recipe I made with kool-aid the easiest. This activity, no matter which recipe you use, needs adult participation as well children, there's heating in the microwave involved and we don't want kiddies to hurt themselves with the temperature.

Now this makes a lot, perfect for a few children not to fight over all the different colors. Today we made two different colors one that was red and the other which was on the pinkish side. For each color you'll need:

1 and 1/4 cups of Flour
1/4 cup of salt
1 package of kool-aid drink mix ~ color of your choice
1 cup of boiling water, slightly cooled
1 and 1/2 Tablespoons of oil

In a large bowl combine all your dry ingredients and mix well, at this moment you wont see the color of the kool~aid. 

Add the oil and water and stir with a wooden spoon.

Your play dough will look like a big hot mass of gooey mess, that's fine, just mix till well combined and you don't see any lumps of flour.

This is when the adults come in. Place the bowl in the microwave for 30 seconds. When you take it out of the microwave don't waste a second and throw your hands in and knead for 2 minutes to incorporate everything, you have to make sure nothing hardens because of the heat. My hands can handle hot, but if your hands are sensitive use a spoon, but it's best to your hands.

If the play dough is still sticky after 2 minutes of kneading, throw it back in the microwave for 30 seconds. take out and start kneading again right away and continue until it's warm enough for the kids to handle and let them take over on kneading till cooled.

There you go you have play dough that smells terrific...hopefully that can entertain them for awhile

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